Monday 11 April 2011

The Internet; world's largest drug dealer?

Myself, along with the majority of people my age and older turn to the Internet immediately after suspecting they are ill with something (522, 2006). The vast cyber world is sprawling with information waiting for us to self-diagnose. It’s undeniably a valuable resource as long as it’s accessed in conjunction with actual medical help.

Unfortunately there is an arising trend of people diagnosing themselves and then ordering their own medication online.  I’m in two minds on this topic. On one hand, if people can buy whatever pharmaceuticals online they want there is a grave danger for this whole venture to turn into the largest black market ever. Where people can purchase and resell drugs not necessarily needed for themselves. But on the other hand, for medicines that are commonplace and regularly given to patients with extended scripts I can see the benefits.

The technology new media has created always opens up new opportunities regardless of the topic. And as Nielsen and Barratt say, in this case there will have to be vast improvements to make sure the technology aids the right groups of people (84, 2009). Personally, I hope these changes happen soon because I’m sick of travelling to the Doctor and chemist every time I need a refill.


 Lewis, T. (2006). Seeking health information on the internet: lifestyle choice or bad attack of cyberchondria? In Media, Culture & Society, volume 28, issue 4: 521-539.

Nielsen, S. and Barratt, M. J. (2009). Prescription Drug Misuse: Is Technology Friend or Foe? In Drug and Alcohol Review, volume 28: 81-86.

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